Wednesday, September 4, 2013

It's a sweet life...

Life is about transitions, right?  Well, I am about to live it up then!  Ari is headed to kindergarten next week and life will never be the same.  But, really, when is life ever the same?  I mean the only constant is change. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 3... down, but not out!

Dear Sinus Headache,

Yes I have defeated you, but at what cost? The giant, icy cup of a certain caffeinated beverage vanquished you, but will not defeat me! That's right, I bought the yucky blue bottle instead of my beloved red one. I will not succumb to the need for the delicious refreshment, I will medicate will its less delicious cousin...
Take that sinus headache!!! Now please excuse me as I need to finish dressing and get ready for my walk. Yes, I will walk off the yucky calories!!!
Back to '07 in 20-11!!! I will get my pre-Ari body back...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dear Caffeine,

Thanks for being there for me earlier today, but I was just using you. I was feeling poorly and you were convenient. Please don't read anything more into it.
I have goals and you just don't fit into my plans right now. Really, it's not you, it's me. You make me eat too much and I don't want to be fat.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Back to Reality

So, it has been a bit since I did this last, but I need to start again. Too much has happened since my last post to try to wrap it all up, so we'll just gloss over that and start from today...
The boy is amazing and he sleeps in a big boy bed and walks all the way to Grandma's. I, on the other hand, have a way to go to be a big girl. After a crazy two years of growing and feeding humans, my body needs to get back into shape. Chocolate and soda are memories. Exercise and vegetables are my new buddies.
I've been doing the Wii Fit or walking really long distances at least every other day for the past week. Really hoping this works. Don't want to be Fat Mommy anymore!!! My goal is to lose 15 pounds by Independence Day. So far, I'm down 1.7 pounds... Just gotta keep trucking!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Ari Doesn't Bite, He Kisses

Today was the last music class of the summer. Music class is awesome and we'll be going back in the fall. Ari loves it and he gets to interact with other kids in a fairly safe environment. But sometimes things happen.
Another kid brought her dolly to class today. Ari liked her dolly and the other mommy said it was okay. Until that mommy saw Ari chewing on the doll's arm...
What did she think an almost 11 month old would do with a doll? The other parent acted appropriately, but it sorta ticked me off. I really did not want him playing with it anyway, not because it was a doll (Ari has his own) but because the thing looked pretty abused to begin with. Next time I'll just look like a bitch because even if they say it's okay, I don't. Since Ari's birth, I've gotten much better about not sterilizing everything but I really do not want my kid playing with your kid's grimy toy. Especially since he chews on everything. He did kiss the doll for the first ten minutes. It was a very cute make-out session... Hopefully he'll learn soon that kisses are okay, but you should not try to chew your date's arm off after.
Thankfully he only bites toys, not kids, but I'm watching him closely...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Careful, we have a jumper!

So Ari decided that jumping off the bed to the floor would be fun.  He jumped from the bed to his blanket on the floor while I attempted to zip a zipper.  That's what I get for trying to keep him happy while I get dressed.  He had been on the floor while I figured out what to wear but started complaining so I put him in the middle of the bed.  Stupid me!
My first thought was that we must get to the ER asap.  I called his grandfather to drive us to the hospital and the Rabbi to let him know what happened.  While on the phone,  Ari stopped crying and started talking to me and smiling and laughing so I called the Doctor's office.  His grandfather arrived and we got in the car as the doctor's office called me back.  No ER visit was needed.  They think he is probably fine since has has no bumps or bruises from his leap and is acting normally.  We have to watch him closely for the next 48 hours, but chances are good that he won't even remember taking 10 years off my life.  I was a child without fear which led to numerous ER visits, so my dad said it sounds like he takes after me.  You know what they say about payback...

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I love the thought of sleeping through the night.  Ari has done it.  Why can't I?  I keep waking at old feeding times.  
Ari goes from 8pm until 5:45am without a snack or diaper change most nights.  I'm so grateful for this and feel like a new person, but I keep waking up when he used to eat.  I find myself wide awake at least once a night listening to the silence of my sweet boy.
I think I'm not as crabby as I was just a week or two ago.  It is nuts that I'm more productive too.  Today I have nothing I "need" to do.  My house is clean and so is the laundry. I am left to my own devices while the boy naps. So here I sit blogging and watching TLC.   
More sleep has made everything better, but I find myself making bad decisions in the name of being nice.  I agreed to take Ari on a road trip in June.  He may travel well, he has in past shorter excursions, but I get carsick.  Really carsick.  As a food source, I won't be able to drug myself for the trip either.  All 11 hours to Michigan...