Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dear Caffeine,

Thanks for being there for me earlier today, but I was just using you. I was feeling poorly and you were convenient. Please don't read anything more into it.
I have goals and you just don't fit into my plans right now. Really, it's not you, it's me. You make me eat too much and I don't want to be fat.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Back to Reality

So, it has been a bit since I did this last, but I need to start again. Too much has happened since my last post to try to wrap it all up, so we'll just gloss over that and start from today...
The boy is amazing and he sleeps in a big boy bed and walks all the way to Grandma's. I, on the other hand, have a way to go to be a big girl. After a crazy two years of growing and feeding humans, my body needs to get back into shape. Chocolate and soda are memories. Exercise and vegetables are my new buddies.
I've been doing the Wii Fit or walking really long distances at least every other day for the past week. Really hoping this works. Don't want to be Fat Mommy anymore!!! My goal is to lose 15 pounds by Independence Day. So far, I'm down 1.7 pounds... Just gotta keep trucking!